The Hierarchy

The hierarchy of our group may be a bit confusing, but this will help you break down the rankings and jobs. There are three main classes: Nobility, Warriors, and Untouchables.

Rex/Regina (King/Queen)
================================================================================== - On the top of the peak, there are the highest of the nobility, the Rex and Regina. At times. there may only be one, or even none at all. These are the ones in charge of maintaining everything. No, not to boss you around for fun. Everything that they say has a good intention, no matter what they may be.

Haeres (Children of the Rex/Regina)
================================================================================== - Similarly, there is obviously children of the highest class. Many times, these children are dubbed 'blessed' and are the pride of the camp. When the haeres age old enough and their parents wish to step down, the next in line will normally be the haer. If there are multiple children, the oldest of the group may take charge. Unlike most, this society does not care if the next ruler is a male or female.

Vicarius (deputy)
================================================================================== - From the Praefectus, the Rex or Regina tends to pick a certain canine to be a right hand man. They act as trustful advisors, friends, and overseers of the noble haeres' training. Though they are not normally dubbed Rex or Regina of the clan, they may if the current rulers choose to have no children.

Præfectus (Overseer)
================================================================================== - The next highest rank is the highest that any canine may earn normally. The Praefectus is those highly regarded for noble deeds or action they have done for their clan. These overseers to the rest of the wolves and are almost like Vicarius to the Rex, or betas in normal wolf packs.

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Militaris (Officer)
================================================================================== - These are experienced warriors throughout the group that have established themselves as stronger than other warriors. The canines of this class may meet with higher rank in order to prepare for war, plan attacks and raids, and lead others to the battlefield.

Tribunus (Elder)
================================================================================== - Elders of the clan, the Tribunus is the old and wise, but those who have lsot the young vigor most warriors have. They priorly act as mentors to the younger, or make take a rank of being a healer.

Gladiator (Warrior)
================================================================================== - The main class where most canines in a pack stay. As a warrior, they carry out missions from higher ranks, hunt and gather, or even act as messengars to other clans. This class, the Praedator class, and the Medic class all have the same prestige.

Praedator (Hunter)
================================================================================== - These are members that have exceptional skills in hunting prey and gathering, but do no prefer the stress of the battlefield.

Genitrix (Mothers)
================================================================================== - The mothers of the clan, or nursing, are in a lower class with the responsibility of watching the young. Most are formers from the Gladiator trio. Apprentices may volunteer to become temporary Genitrix, but may not keep that class unil they have young of their own.

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Discipule (Apprentice)
================================================================================== - The discipule are the young from 6 months to adolescent years. Each has a designated higher ranked mentor, normally an elder or gladiator, to teach them the ways of the clan.

Discens (Trainee)
================================================================================== - These are the young that do not fall into the above category.

Neonati (Newborn)
================================================================================== - None.

Exsul (Banished)
================================================================================== - None.
