Rules and Guidelines

Appropriate Language and Behavior:
This roleplay is meant to be kept friendly. Repeated swearing is not allowed. Any innapropriate subjects and actions will be monitored and possibly erased, leading to punishment. Not everyone likes a lot of blood, gore, swearing and stuff like that, so please be mindful and respectful.

Be friends and respect each other. Hate the character, not the person roleplaying that character! Getting along makes everyone happy, and I don't appreciate seeing out-of-character arguing and fighting on my threads. Friendly plot debates are fine, though, if they aren't meant as an offense to another member.

Mary Sues/Gary Stues:
Your character isn't the most beautiful and perfect person in the universe. If any Mary-Sues/Gary Stues are sighted in an application or roleplay post, your character will be turned down . Whether your character is male or female, they are not the best and are not a god.

Character Limit:
There is no exact limit set yet on characters. There must obviously be a minimum of one. How many you have is on you, you must be able to manage all of them. No exceptions, although others may temporarily play as that character.

Romance is allowed, though it is to be kept at a stable level, nothing more than that. Any levels higher will not be tolerated. What definitely isn't aloud is any sort of sexual activity. If you wish to, do it privately through pms or something.

Be Descriptive:
Please try to be descriptive on your roleplay paragraphs and applications. Laziness is usually not tolerated. There are diverse rules on this section for both methods. Forum Roleplaying requires correct grammar, punctuation and capitalization is required. Typos are fine if they are not in every sentence. If one has writers' block a minimum of 3 sentences is mandatory. In usual posts, try to at least have a few paragraphs included within them.

Spamming is not allowed, period. This goes especially for quickchats. Bumping on the forums is alright, but if the time span of no one posting is only about an hour or two, please wait a bit longer.