Long ago, the world was run by many species. The most notorious, were wolves. They quickly earned their place perched at the peak of other species and reigned for thousands of moons under Sygma. That is, until the arrival of the humans. Outraged by the rule of these wolves, they began a centuries old struggle that would be carried to this day. Both species suffered many casualities due to this war, the ratio leaning to more wolves injured as the humans evolved. Shaken by the the increasing death toll of his kin, Sygma marched alone one summer's eve night to confront the menace alone. The Rex demanded a stop to this violence from the humans. The people were selfish though, unwavered by the canine's offers. Angered by the humans' ignorance, Sygma finally snapped lashed out at the group with the incredible force of deities and was said to have ended as many lives as he had seen of his bretheren fall. But there were still too many. The mighty wolf had fallen, on the verge of his slain. Those who witnessed the sight said before his death, brilliant colors radiated from his body and left him as a stoned statue. Sygma had vowed that he would never let his kin die in such a struggle again and is said to have blessed four wolves with one of his great notable powers to protect them.
After the death of the great wolf, the two species lived a short lived era of peace. Each wolf gifted with one of Sygma's great traits later on taught their descendants the same powers that were blessed to them. The peace of mind seemed like it would carry on for an indefinite period of moons to come, though this wasn't the case.Wolves who did not possess these powers became envious and fearful. The wolves with powers were slapped with the term 'Mygma' and thought of as the cursed mixed race; many did not even consider them wolves." The mygma were shunned from the many wolf packs that diversed out of fear and hatred. Not long after, the Mygma becan to follow the ordinary wolves' footsteps and engulfed in war with each other. The gruesome war took place for moons, causing much grief and rivalries to be forged. Though the war is has subsided much from its climax, any movement could ignite the flames once again.

Playable Classes:
Wolf: The natural wolf grown up in a normal enviorment. These wolves possess no powers, but may have a high attribute such as speed strength or stamina even above the Mygma.

Mygma: The wolves from the bloodline of one of the four gifted with Sygma's powers. It is said each have a close relationship spiritually with the great rex himself and the heavens. Their are four main classes that make up these wolves; Caelum, Ardor, Terra and Mare.
Caelum - The wolves of the wind. Theses wolves genrally have the trait of high agility.
Ardor - The wolves of the flames. Theses wolves' signature trait is passion and determination.
Terra - The wolves of the earth. These wolves have mighty strength and brute force.
Mare - The wolves of the waves. These wolves have a high intellect and psychological skills.
* There are more than four, but those Mygma would more correctly be placed under the term 'Hybrida' or are forbidden.*

Hybrida: More simply named 'Hybrids', the Hybrida are a mix of any two dissimilar wolves such as being from a normal wolf and Ardor Mygma, to a Caelum Mygma and Mare Mygma. Theses wolves are frowned upon by most Mygma and absolutely hated by normal wolves. Few Mygma will ever even approach this kin due to it's cursed nature.
Paedor - The 'Filth' or 'Dirt' Hybrida. These are wolves that are the offspring of two different classes, such as a normal wolf and a Mygma, a Mygma and a Hybrida, etc. Theses are the most hated type of Hybrids, but the most common. Even attacked by other Hybrida sometimes, theses wolves usually have the most extraordinary, but uncontrolled gifts and powers.
Sylva - Terra and Mare Hybrida
Virus - Ardor and Caelum Hybrida
Harena - Terra and Caelum Hybrida (Forbidden)
Adamas - Mare and Ardor Hybrida (Forbidden)
Glacies - Mare and Caelum Hybrida
Cinis - Ardor and Terra Hybrida

